<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Martial Arts Research Institute ~ Harimau


Harimau (tiger) Pasaman Minangkabau
Pencak Silat Baringin Sakti

Baringin Sakti Logo

We learn the Harimau Pasaman system from Guru Edward Lebe

Guru Lebe combined the following systems placing special emphasis in areas as described below:

Kumango ~ (emphasis on breaking, smashing and locking)
Pauh ~ (sweet mango) emphasis on softness. Pauh is dance with the hands.
Lintao ~ ground/rolling
Seterelak ~ open hand attacks with palm strikes
Bayang ~ flying - jumping / attack & defend
Sile' Tuo ~ the old Silat from Sumatra~ situational

Animal Styles;

Harimau ~ Tiger ~ (strong & powerful ~ deceptive ferocity)
Buaya ~ Crocodile
Monyet or Baruk ~ Monkey
Kucing ~ Cat ~ (fast, small, quick hand movement)
Ular ~ Snake ~wrapping, entangle opponent

History of Baringin Sakti

1) Hj. Abu Zahar (Founder)
2) GM.S. Lebe ~ Specialized in Kumango & Pauh
3) Hj. Umar Machtub (Brother-in-law)
4) Guru Edward Lebe (Current Grandmaster)

Our Motto:


"We seek no enemy but when it comes we only stop when the endpoint is reached or DIE"

MARI regularly travels to Indonesia to train with Grandmaster Lebe. Students of MARI are welcome to travel and train with us. If you would like to train in Indonesia with Our teacher and fellow students contact MARI and speak to Guro May for details.