The Williams Family has a long history of martial and healing arts, dating back three generations. Michael Williams met his wife May while training in the Philippines, and in 1996 they established the Arts of Southeast Asia; Filipino, Indonesian and Chinese Martial & Healing Arts Organization. Guro Williams organizes trips and travels to Southeast Asia regularly to train with the grandmasters.
Chuan Shu Sifu of Kuntao Silat de Thouars by Bapak Willem de Thouars and Ibu Joyce de Thouars
Representative Kuntao Silat De Thouars by Bapak Willem de Thouars and Ibu Joyce de Thouars
Grandmaster 2019 Oido De Caburata Arnis by Grandmaster Abraham Gubaton and Grandmaster Sabas Gubaton,
Neg. Occ., Philippines (Oido De Caburata Arnis Website)
Lakan Isa (1st degree black belt) Modern Arnis by Master Alix Lavaud and late Grandmaster Remy Presas
Lakan Lima (5th degree black belt) ~ The World Modern Arnis Alliance
Mataas as Guro (5th degree black belt instructor) Amok! Tribal art of the blade by Tom Sotis
Sifu in Pin Sun Wing Chun by Sifu Henry Mui and Sifu Jim Roselando
Guru Tuan (instructor/lineage holder) Pukulan Pentjak Silat Kendang by Guru Wesley Tasker, Majapahit Kalis-Kilat
Cho Dan (1st degree black belt) Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan by Master Doris Beaven and Master James Harwood under Late Grandmaster Hwang Kee
Tui-na and Chi Gong therapist by master Tom Tam
Former self defense instructor for the Guardian Angels (Boston chapter)
2004 inducted into the World Martial Arts Federation Hall of Fame
1998 inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
Member of Eastern United States Kung Fu Federation Chinatown, Boston Ma.
Martial Arts Research Institute is officially appointed as the United States Headquarters of Pencak Silat Baringin Sakti by Edward Lebe lineage Pencak Silat Baringin Sakti, Jakarta, Indonesia. Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali Headquarters by Philippine Arnis (Kali) Escrima Martial Arts Federation International, Inc.
Phone: (978) 745-2555
Copyright © 2004-2025 Martial Arts Research Institute LLC ~ May Williams
Web-Design By John A. Savage 2025